

She lives within you.

She holds the greatest parts of you.

The parts of you that you have touched but not yet been able to hold.

Mentorship is a commitment to yourself to align and embody the level 10 version of yourself in all areas of your life, business, and bank account.

In Mentorship you will be expanded beyond all your self-imposed limitations.

In Mentorship you will be taken to your edges within yourself and your business and be catapulted to your next level of success in all areas of your life.

In Mentorship, you will become all the evidence you have ever needed to know that everything and anything is possible.

You will become the self-fulfilling prophecy of the woman who went all-in on her dreams and desires creating the success she has always dreamed of creating for herself.

This version of you already lives with you.

You can feel her.

You can see her.

You are ready to become her.

She is powerful, on purpose and fiercely unapologetic in the pursuit of her wildest dreams.

We are going to build her together.

And then from there we are going to build your success.

“When I first decided to do Mentorship with Krystal, I was so excited and also freaking out because I was stepping into the coach and business woman I wanted to be, I knew that if I wanted my clients to invest in me, I also needed to invest in myself through a Mentor and after years of watching Krystal, I was so inspired and drawn to her and I intuitively knew she was the mentor for me.

The growth and transformation in my life on a whole has been truly a HUGE bonus; I have the confidence to make big decisions and how to plan and set goals in my business.

Krystal was there through my branding, photoshoot, hyping me up on outfits and looks and supporting me to actualise my vision and step into my power.

We are now in full launch planning mode of my signature offer and I’m so excited that I have her in my corner and there for my moments in confidence, but also in my moments of doubt.

I am grateful that I trusted myself and that I stepped up in taking on Mentorship with Krystal for 6 months.”




    The woman who is busy building her business, dreams and desires, however, she desires support and nourishment from another woman who will hold her accountable in her power and promises to herself.

    Mentorship is knowing there is someone (aka me) there for you, in your corner to hold you, guide you, listen to you, and hold you up in all of your greatness.

    Mentorship is for the woman who has already done the coaching and healing work; she knows exactly what to do; however, she desires someone in her corner holding her to her standards amongst the chaos of the beautiful life and business she is building.


    Mentorship is you being held at your highest point of power.

    It’s one self-led woman holding another self-led woman to her greatness.

    It’s a commitment to your growth, alignment, and embodiment in all areas of your life and business.

    Mentorship will take you beyond your edges; it will build you up, reveal your inner most power and raise the bar, setting new standards for self-leadership.

    In mentorship you will expand your mindset, breaking through fear and self-doubt, shattering your income glass ceilings and the limitation that have been holding you back from creating the business you desire.

    That you know deep down you are here to create.

    Together we will create and build out a scalable body work within your business, mapping out your goals, vision and the steps needed to make it all a reality.

    In Mentorship we cover

    Your Mindset.

    Your Energy.

    Your Strategy.

    Your Success Plan for your Business.

    And, everything and anything in between to build YOU, so we can build the business and success you desire.

    “Working with Krystal in business mentorship has not only helped my business, but it has also helped me personally grow.

    When I started this mentorship with Krystal I was holding a limiting belief that I wasn’t good enough and holding so much fear around being seen. She had helped me work through and release that belief and push past that fear

    Krystal has helped me grow my self confidence, to show up in my business and not be afraid. I’m now showing up in a way that I just didn’t think was possible for me.

    Under her guidance I have been able put out new offers and have so many women reach out and want to work with me. I am watching my business quickly grow every day.

    This mentorship is so much more than just the practical side of what you need to know and do to run a business. Krystal holds such a beautiful space for you to learn and grow, while pushing you out of your comfort zone and stepping into being your best self.

    I look forward to continuing to work with Krystal to get the results I am wanting in my business.”




    This package includes:

    • 12-month Mentorship
      (Bi-weekly calls)

    • 4 x Breakthrough Sessions
      (1 x per quarter)

    • Messenger Support + Guidance
      (Business Hours Mon-Fri)

    • Access to the She Who Dares Content Library
      (12 months unlimited access)

    10 month weekly payment plan $375.00
    Total investment: $15,000AUD


    Pay in full $13,500 (save $1500)

    If you would prefer a bi-weekly, monthly , shorter payment plan please discuss directly with Krystal to arrange.


    This package includes:

    • 6-month Mentorship
      (Bi-weekly calls)

    • 2 x Breakthrough Sessions
      (1 x per quarter)

    • Messenger Support + Guidance
      (Business Hours Mon-Fri)

    • Access to the She Who Dares Content Library
      (6 months unlimited access)

    6 month weekly payment plan $312.50
    Total investment: $7,500AUD


    Pay in full $7,000 (save $500)

    If you would prefer a bi-weekly, monthly , shorter payment plan please discuss directly with Krystal to arrange.