You want free stuff? Woman, I got you!

Let me spoil you, let me give you a little taste test of the She Who Dares world…


1:1 Transformational Healing and Subconscious Reprogramming

Breakthrough is the deep inner healing work that is the key to unlocking the doors and climbing over the walls within yourself that have been unconsciously holding you back.

You are going to heal the root cause wounds, release the emotions that have been holding you hostage and rewrite the limiting belief system that you hold about yourself.

This powerful and transformative 1:1 coaching journey will take you deep inside yourself, so that you can heal from the events of your past and step into your future as your most aligned and empowered self.


High-Level & High-Touch Private Mentorship

The She Who Dares Mentorship is for the woman who deeply desires to be held at her highest point of power. It’s one self-led woman holding another self-led woman in all her greatness. It’s a commitment to your growth, alignment, and embodiment in all areas of your life, business, and bank account. Choose from 6 or 12- month mentorship packages and get ready to go beyond your edges so that you can build your dreams.


Mentorship and Branding Immersion

My Rebrand and Rebirth Immersion is the next revolution of your business.

This experience is the ultimate uplevel for your brand and business, we will build your brand, so that it is so undeniably powerful that it cannot be ignored, in the process, you will be rebirthed.

This experience will completely uplevel how you show up and the success you create going forward in your business. This is your powerplay.


Online Course

An online group program that will transform your identity, beliefs, mindset, and relationship with money. Allowing you to heal old money wounds that are keeping you stuck in disempowering money cycles, so that you can become a master Manifestor, learning how to work with the energy of money and the laws of the universe to become an energetic match for overflow. This is the program that breaks through scarcity and aligns you to the frequency of true abundance.


Business Mastermind

An immersion for women who are coaches, healers, and facilitators in service-based businesses who have a big vision within their hearts of helping and impacting others through the work they do in the world. You will learn how to align and elevate all aspects of your business, taking it to the next level through transforming your mindset, your business strategy, and the energetics.

Memberships, Subscriptions and Self-paced